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The Abyss 1.0 for Docking Station


Download The Abyss

Thanks to Mkid112 for allowing us to mirror the first "beta release" of this steaming meta-room for Docking Station. The room also comes with these develloper notes:

"Abyss was created with Magma norns in mind. It's a rather hot environment, with temperatures around 80, so keeping other types of creature there for extended periods of time isn't recommended. If it turns out it gets a bit too hot I will release a cooler agent.

There are no new agents in this room aside from the favourite places icon, but that will change when I get around to developing for it. When injected you should be taken to the room where you will find the DS robot toy and a mini empathic vendor - the goal is to decorate it as you see fit...I found the Chili Pepper Pots were a nice addition.

I have not included a door as I wanted to keep it contained without any ways in our out unless you remove things yourself, however you can place the portals from DS in there.

Anyways, that's it. It has no remover agent and is DS only, not that you would ever want to remove it."



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